Serial Terminal:
Controlling RealTerm from

is in Examples on Download page
Most up-to-date demos are installed with Realterm in the
Examples folder
OpenOffice macros can
access Realterm just like MSOffice. Now you can do easy serial comms
using Realterm.
Applications made with OOO can be freely distributed.
The example uses OOBasic, but open office scripting also supports
Javascript, Python and other scripting languages.
There's no easier
way to knock up a GUI
Send data from
cells to a display
read A-D data and graph it
A Simple Demo
This demo shows how to
Open and close Realterm
send a string out the
serial port
send data to a 4 digit
LED display
hide/show realterm into background
The Excel is more sophisticated at the time of writing, with
automatic starting and tracking of spreadsheet changes. Please
contribute a better demo!
Public Sub Realterm_Open
Set RT = CreateObject("Realterm.RealtermIntf")
RT.HalfDuplex = True 'so you can see what we send out through the port...
RT.Caption = "Realterm Controlled from OpenOffice Calc"
RT.portopen = True 'port is always closed when starting by automation
RT.SelectTabSheet ("I2C")
End Sub
Public Sub Realterm_Close
If Not isnull(RT) Then RT.Close
Set RT = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub Realterm_Hide
RT.Visible = Not RT.Visible
End Sub
Public Sub Realterm_SendStringToLED(S As String)
'You need the I2CHelper DLL, and to register it for this to work
Dim IH As Object
Set IH = CreateObject("I2CHelper.M5451")
RT.PutString ("YW0000000000") 'this always resets the display
LED_Data = "Y101" + IH.Str2M5451D4(S)
RT.PutString (LED_Data)
End Sub
Public Sub Realterm_SendCellToLED
Dim Sheet As Object
Dim Cell As Object
Doc = StarDesktop.CurrentComponent
Sheet = Doc.Sheets(0)
Cell = Sheet.getCellByPosition(0, 0) '
End Sub
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Using Capture
When you want to get data from an instrument, just capture
data to
a file with Realterm, then have Scilab read the file. This is a
"design pattern" that appears ugly, but has been easy to
get going, and sucessful. It is well decoupled, which is what makes
it so easy to do.
Simple DataLogging
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