function [] = mindstorm();
% Robot Controller for LEGO Mindstorm NXT
% G.Gutt 11/27/2005, Ver 1.0
% Uses Bluetooth serial port emulation/port 5, and RealTerm
% control for robust serial communications. RealTerm controlled via
% ActiveX commands in matlab. Get RealTerm here:
% This program assumes that you have RealTerm installed and that you have a
% Bluetooth configured as a virtual serial com port (here I use port 5).
% (You can also use the Matlab native serial communication routines if you wish.
% However I have found to not be as robust as RealTerm.)
% See Mindstorm NXT Bluetooth Development documentation to understand the
% structure of Byte Strings. Specifically: Appendix 2-LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Direct commands.pdf
% Other useful links and documentation
% Using RealTerm and Matlab:
% Example of Bluetooth Remote for NXT written in C:
% Program should play "Ode to Joy" and Move motor 0 back and forth
% Developed Using Matlab 6.5 Release 13
clear; %clear variables
close all; %close open figures
fclose('all'); %close all ports/files
clc; %clear the command window
% Global variable declarations
global ppwrstring; % hex string for
default powr - positive
global npwrstring; % hex string for
default powr - negative
global hrealterm; % activex handle for
realterm RS-232 terminal program
% Open and Configure RealTerm as a Server
disp('GMU Neural Engineering Lab');
disp('Mindstorm NXT Interface Test Program Ver 1.0');
disp('G.Gutt 11/27/2006');
disp(' ');
power = 65; % default power
level (65%) for the nxt motors
ppwrstring=['0x', dec2hex(75)]; % pos pwr, convert
default power level to hex string 0x00 format
npwrstring=['0x', dec2hex(power +128)]; % negative powr string
realtermstart; % start realterm
under ActiveX for RS-232 control
song; % Plays Ode to joy
testmotor; % reset all the
motors to absolute positioning
disp('Type "return" to finish program and close down
keyboard; % Keeps RealTerm and
Matlab active for debugging
invoke(hrealterm,'close'); % Close realterm down
delete(hrealterm); % Delete realterm handle
% Main Program Ends Here
% Sub Functions start here
function [] = twait(t);
% twait(t)
% simple routine to wait is in units of 100ms.
end; % end of twait function
function [] = realtermstart();
% setup real term for active x control of serial port, com5
global hrealterm; % activex handle for realterm RS-232
terminal program
hrealterm=actxserver('realterm.realtermintf'); % start
Realterm as a server
hrealterm.caption='Matlab Realterm Server';
hrealterm.windowstate=0; %minimized
hrealterm.Port='5'; %select port 5
hrealterm.PortOpen=1; %open the comm port
function []= testmotor();
global ppwrstring; % motor power string in 0x00 Hex format
global npwrstring; % neg power string
% resets the tachometer of motor to absolute positioning,
motor 0
%(5th byte in string sets motor to reset: 0,1,2)
% sends command to turn motor 0 forward 25 degrees, pause,
then reverse
sendbytes(['0x0D 0x00 0x80 0x04 0x00 ', ppwrstring, ' 0x07
0x01 0x50 0x10 0x19 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00']);
twait(20); % wait 200msec)
sendbytes(['0x0D 0x00 0x80 0x04 0x00 ', npwrstring, ' 0x07
0x01 0x50 0x10 0x19 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00']);
sendbytes(['0x0D 0x00 0x80 0x04 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x50
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00']); % turn off motor
% Breif byte structure for SetOutputState, NXT command to
move the motor
% Byte 1, number of bytes in the message, message starts
on 3rd byte
% Byte 2, 0x00 format byte, never changes
% Byte 3, Begining of message, 0x80 format byte, never changes
% Byte 4, 0x04, the actual command, never changes
% Byte 5, Motor number 0x00, 0x01 or 0x02
% Byte 6, Power level, -100 to 100
% Byte 7, Mode bit field, see Mindstorm Bluetooth documetation
% Byte 8, Regulation Mode, see Mindstorm Bluetooth
% Byte 9, Turn Ratio, -100 to 100
% Byte 10, Run State, see Mindstorm Bluetooth documetation
% Byte 11-15, Tacholimit, number of degrees to turn (all
zeros means run forever)
function [] = tone(freq,duration);
% plays a tone. freq is in units of Hz, duration is in
units of 100ms
fstring=dec2hex(freq); % convert to hex
padzeros=4-length(fstring); % number of zeros needed to
pad hex output
for i=1:padzeros
fstring=[' 0x',fstring(3:4),' 0x',fstring(1:2)]; %formats
frequency in 2 byte string 0x00 0x00
bytes are reversed to form Uword
tstring=dec2hex(duration*10); % convert to hex
padzeros=4-length(tstring); % number of zeros needed
to pad hex output
for i=1:padzeros
tstring=[' 0x',tstring(3:4),' 0x',tstring(1:2)]; %formats
tune in 2 byte string 0x00 0x00
bytes are reversed to form Uword
sendbytes(['0x06 0x00 0x80 0x03',fstring, tstring]);
% Breif byte structure for PlayTone, NXT command to play a
% Byte 1, number of bytes in the message, message starts
on 3rd byte
% Byte 2, 0x00 format byte, never changes
% Byte 3, Begining of message, 0x80 format byte, never changes
% Byte 4, 0x03, the actual command, never changes
% Byte 5-6, Frequency of the tone in Hz, Uword
% Byte 7-8, Duration of the tone in ms, Uword
function [] = sendbytes(sendstring);
% Converts String of HEX Numbers in 0x00 form to
Characters and sends
% them out via Realterm
global hrealterm; % activex handle for realterm RS-232
terminal program
byteparse=findstr(sendstring,'0x'); %finds the hex
notation start characters for the string
for i=1:length(byteparse);
outstring=[outstring, outchar];
invoke(hrealterm,'PutChar',outchar); % send the
characters byte by byte
disp(['Bytes Sent: ', sendstring]);
function [] = song();
% format (freq - Hz, Duration units of 100 ms)
% delay in units of 100ms
% Song: "Ode to Joy"
tone(440,4); twait(4);
tone(440,4); twait(4);
tone(494,4); twait(4);
tone(523,4); twait(4);
tone(523,4); twait(4);
tone(494,4); twait(4);
tone(440,4); twait(4);
tone(392,4); twait(4);
tone(349,4); twait(4);
tone(349,4); twait(4);
tone(392,4); twait(4);
tone(440,4); twait(4);
tone(440,6); twait(6);
tone(392,3); twait(3);
tone(392,3); twait(6);
tone(440,4); twait(4);
tone(440,4); twait(4);
tone(494,4); twait(4);
tone(523,4); twait(4);
tone(523,4); twait(4);
tone(494,4); twait(4);
tone(440,4); twait(4);
tone(392,4); twait(4);
tone(349,4); twait(4);
tone(349,4); twait(4);
tone(392,4); twait(4);
tone(440,4); twait(4);
tone(392,6); twait(6);
tone(349,3); twait(3);